水处理, 软水器

当你的家有硬水供应时, this mineralized tap water can lead to problems not only for your laundry but also for your pipes 和 other appliances. Several treatment methods have been developed over the years to reduce or eliminate water hardness, but the two most popular solutions are 水软化剂 和 水护发素.


虽然这些设备提供类似的结果, they go about the process of treating hard water in very different ways—each of which offers its own benefits 和 risks. If you’re looking for ways to reduce or eliminate the hardness of your water, 你可能两者都在看 水护发素水软化剂, 和 trying to determine which solution is best for your water needs.


来帮你做决定, here’s an overview of how these water treatment systems work, 和 what to consider when choosing which solution to install.


软水器vs. 护发素:有什么区别?

Both appliances provide the crucial function of reducing or eliminating the damage of hard water on your laundry 和 other aspects of your home. How these solutions deliver this service, though, varies in important ways.


The big differences between these two treatment systems include the following:


  • Water conditioners neutralize—but don’t remove—minerals in your water. While 水软化剂 use salt to strip mineral content out of the water, conditioners use ionic bonds to neutralize minerals 和 prevent them from causing reactions that lead to discoloration 和 other issues with your laundry.
  • Water softeners can remove the scale that builds up in your pipes. While a water conditioner will prevent mineral scale from developing on pipes 和 on other surfaces, 随着时间的推移,它不会主动消除这种规模. A water softener can help you combat existing scales 和 gradually clean out your pipes.
  • Water conditioners can remove other water contaminants besides minerals. If your water contains biological contaminants such as bacteria 和 algae, 空调可以帮助解决这些污染物. A water softener is not an effective treatment for biological contaminants.
  • 水软化剂去除对健康有益的矿物质. 钙, 镁, 和 silica are common minerals found in hard water that also offer health benefits when consumed in the same amounts. Water softeners deprive tap water of these added health benefits.



如果你不熟悉空调, you may be skeptical about the benefits conditioning can offer over water softening. 好消息是, for many people looking to improve the quality of their tap water, 调理是一个很好的解决方案,可以中和 硬水的后果 同时保留了它的一些好处.


That said, the effectiveness of water conditioning is all dependent on your goals. 如果你想去除家里水管的水垢, 例如, you likely won’t be satisfied by using (water conditioning as your water treatment system).


Regardless of whether you ultimately choose a water softener or a water conditioner, your satisfaction with this treatment system will ultimately depend on your ability to choose the option that offers the best fit for your treatment needs.



当你购物比较软水器的选择, you may notice products advertised as electronic 水软化剂. 而不是切开水管加盐, electronic 水软化剂 claim to soften water by using an electromagnetic field to neutralize minerals as they pass through a pipe.


These 水软化剂 treat the water through coils wrapped about the water piping leading into your home. 通过中和而不是去除矿物质, these softeners actually function more like 水护发素, although they differ from conditioners by claiming to descale pipes over time. 作为市场上比较新的产品, the actual performance of these electronic solutions may vary from advertisements.


如果你对这种水软化溶液感兴趣, consult a professional water treatment company to get their recommendation.


One Rule of Thumb When Choosing Between Softening 和 Conditioning

If you’re struggling to choose the best treatment option for the water entering your home, one measurement to consider is the hardness of your tap water. 你的自来水越硬, the more difficult it may be for a water conditioner to keep up with your conditioning needs.


Higher concentrations of minerals in your water will require larger water softening tank to effectively remove these minerals, but you can easily fit your water softener to whatever mineral levels you’re facing. Water conditioners may struggle with a similar workload: for hardness levels between 25 和 50 grains per gallon, 例如, you may need to invest in an expensive commercial conditioner to keep up with dem和.


If you’re struggling to choose between a water softener 和 a water conditioner, or you’re interested in discussing the pros 和 cons of each option, 今天就去找一位水处理专家. Once the specialist is able to assess your water hardness situation, they can help connect you to a treatment system that will meet your water quality dem和s.